My focus in the provision of clinical supervision is to provide support, guidance and oversight in your clinical practice in order to enhance the quality of patient care, promote your professional development and to ensure ethical and competent practice.
It is my aim always to provide a safe and supportive environment for supervisees to discuss and reflect on their clinical work, whilst also offering guidance, feedback and suggestions for improvement based on the current evidence base, my own knowledge and clinical experience.
I endeavour to balance the educational, restorative and evaluative functions of clinical supervision and take pride in building supervisory relationships in which supervisees are able to engage confidently, openly and honestly in self reflection in order to further develop their self awareness, clinical skills and pursue both personal and professional growth.
I aim to support supervisees in their continued professional development in a number of ways:-
Skill and Knowledge Enhancement - through discussions and case reviews I support supervisees to learn new techniques, approaches and evidence based practices. Supervision should allow supervisees to gain a deeper understanding of the theoretical frameworks and research findings relevant to their field in order to expand their skill set and knowledge base, leading to improved clinical competence and better clinical outcomes.
Reflective Practice - supervision will offer a space in which to engage in reflective practice; critically analysing your own thoughts, feelings and actions in relation to your clinical work. I will support you to explore your strengths and areas for growth and to utilise self reflection to promote increased self awareness, enhance your decision making skills and to embrace a continuous learning mindset. I will also support you to identify your professional development goals and provide appropriate guidance in you working towards achieving those goals.
Emotional Support - professional growth, navigating challenging and complex cases and addressing ethical dilemmas can be demanding and, at times, emotionally taxing. Clinical supervision provides a safe and supportive space for supervisees to discuss with me their experiences, concerns and emotions about their clinical work. My role is to provide empathy, validation and guidance to help the supervisee navigate these challenges in order to support them in managing their wellbeing thereby engendering greater levels of resilience.
Ethical Guidance - clinical supervision plays a crucial role in upholding ethical standards and professional conduct. It is my role to support the supervisee to navigate ethical dilemmas, confidentiality issues and boundary concerns which might arise in their clinical practice in order to ensure they maintain ethical integrity in their practice and adherence to professional and legal standards. This strengthens the supervisee's professional development by fostering ethical decision making and accountability.
Professional networking - supervision is also an opportunity for supervisees to extend their professional network with opportunities for engaging in wider collaboration, further learning opportunities and professional growth. My involvement in research and the development and delivery of new interventions offers additional advantages to my supervisees in both the professional connections that these opportunities have brought over many years and the knowledge and skills that being at the forefront of a number of developments affords me.